
What is Botox?

BOTOX® Cosmetic is the #1 selling treatment of its kind*: 

  • It’s the first and only treatment FDA-approved to temporarily make moderate to severe frown lines, crow's feet and forehead lines look better in adults

  • A quick 10-minute treatment with minimal downtime

  • You may begin to notice results within 24 to 48 hours for moderate to severe frown lines 

  • It delivers predictable, subtle results, so you look like you, only with less noticeable facial lines

How long do results last?

The effects of Botox can last from 3-6 months.

Is Botox painful?

Botox, itself is not painful.  The pain is associated with the needlestick.  When a volume of fluid is injected under the skin, it temporarily stimulates some of the nerve fibers.

Is Botox an Effective Option for Wrinkle Prevention?

Botox is the most effective treatment to prevent wrinkles in the forehead, and it's a good idea to begin treating those wrinkles before they become deeply imprinted in the skin. 

Do I need to be a certain age to begin Botox?

It's not your age that determines when BOTOX® Cosmetic is right for you, it's the severity of your lines. In fact, 64% of plastic surgeons report seeing a rise in cosmetic surgery or injectable treatments for patients in their early 30’s.

The truth is, everyone's lines form differently. The timing can be influenced by a combination of factors, from cellular changes that may occur over time, to reduction of collagen, to genetic factors, or damage caused by free radicals from the sun and the environment.

How Long before Botox results can be seen?

Botox takes effect about 1-2 weeks after injection. Some people notice some improvements within 3-5 days but typically it takes almost 2 full weeks to see final results. You will notice less movement of muscles in the areas where the Botox was injected. 

What areas of the face can botox be injected?

Botox is FDA approved to be injected into the muscle of the upper face. These specific areas are: the Glabella (between eyebrows known as the 11’s) the Frontalis muscle (the forehead) and the Obicularis Oculi (around the eyes known as crows feet). 

Can you exercise after Botox or will it decrease the results? 

We recommend no exercise at least 24 hours after injections to reduce any bruising to the injected areas. Exercise does not reduce the effects of Botox. However, some people who exercise heavily may notice that their Botox does not last as long. The effects of Botox depends on people’s metabolism which is varies between each person.

Injectable Fillers

How do Injectable fillers work?

Injectable fillers can add volume to areas where we have lost it, which can also soften lines. As we age, changes in fat pads, muscle, and bone cause our lower face to become fuller, like an inverted triangle. Fillers help increase volume to restore youthful features like high cheekbones, full cheeks, and a defined jawline.

What should I know before my treatment?

You should stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen, and fish oil supplements for 2 weeks prior to injection, to decrease your risk of bruising at injection site.

What should I expect after my treatment?

- After the procedure there is minimal recovery or downtime.

- You should see an immediate improvement in the treatment    areas.

-Most patients need one treatment to achieve optimal wrinkle smoothing.

- One treatment could smooth your lines and wrinkles for up to 1 year.  However, results may vary and correction is temporary.  Supplemental treatments may be required to achieve optimal results.

- Risks include bruising at the site of injections.

Which filler is best for treatment under the eyes?

I have been using regular restylane under the eyes for a few years. Restylane provides consistent results, no excessive swelling and bruising. I typically use a 1/2 syringe to a full syringe depending on what I see during a consultation. My clients have had great results and we touch it up every 9 months to one year.

I have marionette lines, lip lines and wrinkles all at once! Whats the best wrinkle fillers to get rid of these lines?

I like to use Restylane Kysse Or Juviderm around the lips and marionette lines. These products can be used around the lips giving very natural results while reducing the fine lines and wrinkles.

What is the best filler for Lip Augmentation?

The two products I absolutely love are: Juviderm and Kysse. Both give a natural looking lip that looks youthful and plump while still keeping the shape.

Permanent Makeup

How old do I have to be to have eyebrow microblading?

You must be at least 18 years or older.

Can I get a cosmetic tattoo if I am pregnant or nursing?

Eyebrow microblading or any form of cosmetic tattoo is prohibited for pregnant/nursing women.

What is cosmetic tattooing?

Cosmetic tattooing, also referred to as semi-permanent makeup or micropigmentation, it is the process of implanting all natural color pigments beneath the surface of the skin with tiny, sterile, disposable needles that produce the appearance of hair strokes to enhance the natural features of the face.

What is the difference between cosmetic tattooing and standard body tattooing?

Cosmetic tattooing is softer and more subtle – it is done delicately to create a more natural-looking result. Unlike body tattoos, cosmetic tattoos involve natural pigments. These pigments are designed to gently fade over time. Fading is desired as it allows the artist to make changes to color and shape over the years as client’s natural coloration and facial changes occur.

Does cosmetic tattooing hurt?

Dr. Castro will apply a topical anesthetic cream to numb the area, and then a local anesthetic will be superficially injected to ensure that the procedure will be as painless as possible.  Pain threshold levels vary from person to person. Having this service performed during your menstrual cycle may increase discomfort during your procedure.

How long does cosmetic tattooing last?

Cosmetic tattoo treatments are considered semi-permanent and will not wash off, however, they will fade over time and may need to be refreshed every 1-2 years. Frequency of touch-ups depends on a number of factors including: the pigment color used (lighter colors fade faster), sun exposure without SPF, excessive exfoliation to the area and if any chemical peels come into contact with treated areas will fade it faster. Please note that final results CAN NOT be guaranteed as each unique skin type will hold pigments differently and break down at different rates. You will be re-evaluated on how your skin has received the pigment at your touch-up appointment and any necessary changes will be made. Touch-ups are normal for cosmetic tattoo procedures, with each new procedure requiring at least 2 visits. The initial procedure followed by a free touch-up procedure, at least 2 months later. Previously tattooed areas will generally always require additional appointments.

How many treatments are needed?

For most clients, a minimum of two treatments are usually needed, at least 6-8 weeks apart. Everyone heals differently and at different rates. If you feel your cosmetic tattoo did not heal perfectly the first time, do not worry! The first treatment is just a foundation to build upon. You can go darker, add more density and perfect any areas that may have not retained pigment at your next appointment.

What are instructions for microblading aftercare?

It is essential that you follow these instructions after your microblading session:

  • Day One (Day of treatment): Keep the medical silicon band-aid on for 24 hours.

  • Day Two: After 24 hours, gently wash off the medical silicone with lukewarm water. Be extra careful not to tug or scrub the brows.

  • After gently washing off the silicone, you can choose to apply post-care cream on your eyebrows several times a day. Apply the post-care cream with a cotton swab, and use no aggressive movement and/or manipulation of the skin. Make sure your hands are completely clean before caring for your eyebrows.

The following must be avoided during all nine days post-microblading procedure:

  • Increased sweating.

  • Practicing sports.

  • Swimming.

  • Hot sauna, hot bath, or Jacuzzi.

  • Sun tanning or salon tanning.

  • Any laser or chemical treatments or peelings, and/or any creams containing RetinA or Glycolic Acid on the face or neck.

  • Picking, peeling, or scratching of the micro pigmented area in order to avoid scarring of the area or removal of the pigment.

  • Performing tasks related to heavy household cleaning such as garage or basement cleaning where there is a lot of airborne debris.

  • Spicy foods.

  • Smoking.

  • Drinking alcohol in excess, as it may leas to slow healing of wounds.

  • Driving in open air vehicles such as convertibles, boats, bicycles, or motorcycles.

  • Touching of the eyebrow area except for when rinsing and applying the post-care cream with a cotton swab.

Before showering apply a layer of post-care cream to protect your eyebrows from moisture. During the shower keep your face away from the showerhead. Itching and flaking may appear during the first seven days post-microblading procedure. However, experience has shown that by following these after-care instructions, these symptoms may quickly disappear. The healing of deeper wounds might last between 14-21 days. Touch-ups and/or correction of the shape-design is recommended only after this period. If you have any unexpected problems with the healing of the skin, please contact Dr. Castro immediately, to discuss further instructions at 914-732-3123. 

What should I expect during and after micro session?

Your new temporary eyebrow will go through several phases during the healing cycle.

The pigment will appear very sharp and dark immediately after the procedure. This is because the pigment is still sitting on top of your skin, and has not yet settled in completely. The color of the pigment will soften gradually. Do not be alarmed if you see some pigment on the cotton swab, as this is excess pigment and/or body fluid that is naturally exiting your skin.

Once the healing of the skin starts taking place, it will look like dandruff flakes or dry skin. This might give you the impression that the color pigment is fading too quickly, however, this is just superficial color and dry skin being naturally removed from your eyebrows.

Once completely healed, always apply a layer of sunscreen SPF 30 up to SPF 50 on your eyebrows when exposed to the sun. Sun exposure might cause the color pigment to fade away more quickly. You can now enjoy your beautiful new temporary eyebrows. You will simply love your new gorgeous fresh look!

What is Lip Blushing?

Lip blushing is a form of semi-permanent makeup. Essentially, it is a cosmetic tattoo of the lips that enhances the beauty of the natural lip color, improving the shape of the lips, giving definition and the illusion of fullness.

How is the pigment applied during Lip Blushing?

We use a machine to implant pigment into the outer layers of the skin that can last up to 36 months, depending on skin type.

How do you choose the shade for Lip Blushing?

Each shade is customized to match your lip color, and what you want.

Does Lip Blushing Hurt? 

A topical numbing cream is applied, so you'll feel only a light stippling sensation as the pigment is applied.

How long Dows it last?

Lip Blushing can last up to two years without any retouching. If you don't like the shade that was chosen for you, it can be adjusted after the healing process (which takes about five to ten days) is over.

Laser Hair Removal

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is one of the most commonly done cosmetic procedures in the U.S. It beams highly concentrated light into hair follicles. Pigment in the follicles absorb the light which destroys the hair.

Is It Permanent?

Laser hair removal is permanent hair reduction, not permanent hair removal. It's not uncommon for patients to require maintenance treatments once a year, even after the area has been fully treated. Why is this? The laser targets and destroys your current hair follicles, but new follicles can develop thanks to hormonal changes or shifts in weight.

Will all hair be removed in one appointment?

Hair grows in cycles, so no laser can offer permanent hair removal in just one session. Our Medical Grade treatments are performed every 8 to 10 weeks for the body and every 4 to 6 weeks for the face. This can offer 90% permanent removal in just 6 to 8 treatments. Please be aware that factors such as hormones, certain medications and genetics can cause long term growth, so while the hair may not permanently be removed, growth is greatly reduced and maintenance treatments may be required.

Does it hurt?

It's universally described as a rubber band snapping against your skin. It does sting for a second, the time it takes for the laser to target your hair follicle and zap it away. Which means it will sting for each hair follicle treated. While your skin may be a little red and puffy after the procedure, you shouldn't feel any pain in the area by the time you leave the office

Can it work for everyone?

It’s important to have a consultation with Dr. Castro prior to treatment to determine whether you’re suitable for treatment. While we provide treatments for men and women, different skin colours and different hair colours affect how the procedure works.

Dermal Rejuvenation

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling (aka collagen-induction therapy) is a nonsurgical treatment that penetrates your skin’s surface with tiny needles to improve its appearance. The procedure can help smooth lines and wrinkles, even skin tone (including stubborn melasma), refine enlarged pores, tighten skin, and fade scars and stretch marks.

Where can Laser Skin Rejuvenation be used?

The most common areas are those that receive the most sun, such as the face, neck, chest and hands.

What are the benefits of microneedling?

By creating microscopic punctures in the skin, microneedling creates thousands of tiny injuries. This triggers a healing response that releases a cascade of growth factors, which in turn boosts production of the body’s own collagen (the protein fibers that keep skin smooth and supple). 

What is a PRP injection?

A PRP injection treatment starts with drawing a patient’s blood and processing it so only the enriched cells remain. The enriched cells are called platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, and they’re injected back into the treatment area. 

What are the benefits of a PRP injection?

PRP injections are believed to have a host of benefits. The treatment can help restore damaged skin; boost the healing process for wounds and injuries (even in tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints); and serve as an anti-aging solution. 

How do PRP injections work?

Plasma contains red blood cells; white blood cells; and platelets, or thrombocytes, that contribute to essential growth functions and healing processes. When these platelets are separated and reintroduced into the bloodstream, your body’s reparative cell production is stimulated.

To prepare a PRP injection, blood is extracted and run through a centrifuge in order to concentrate the platelets. They’re then injected directly into the tissue in need of regeneration.

Typically, PRP injections begin to work after one or two treatments. Up to three injections may be given in a six-month period. 

What is recovery like after a PRP injection?

Your recovery experience will depend on the location and number of injections you’ve had. You may experience some bruising, soreness, and swelling at the injection site. This can last anywhere from 3 to 10 days. However, you should be able to resume your usual activities immediately, with some changes and restrictions: 

  • Drink lots of water on the day of your injections and during the week after.

  • Avoid taking a shower for six hours after your injection. A temperature change, either hot or cold, can inhibit the body’s desired response to the PRP. 

  • Don’t put any makeup, lotions, or creams, on the injected area for six hours.

  • Avoid strenuous activity, vigorous exercise, and direct sun exposure for three days after your treatment. 

  • Try to avoid alcohol and cigarettes for three days before and after your PRP injection.

  • Taking acetaminophen immediately following treatment is fine, but avoid anything that acts as an anti-inflammatory, such as aspirin or ibuprofen. 

What is an IPL treatment?

IPL, or intense pulsed light, is a versatile treatment that can improve a range of issues on the face, hands, neck, and chest, including brown spots, broken capillaries, and rosacea. The energy stimulates collagen and elastin production, which may help improve reduce fine lines and shrink enlarged pores. The size of the head of the IPL device is usually larger than most laser spot sizes, which allows for the rapid treatment of large areas.

What Are the Main Benefits of IPL Skin Rejuvenation?

The main benefits of laser skin rejuvenation are:

  • Reduces and lightens broken blood vessels, dilated blood vessels, rosacea and redness on the neck, face and chest.

  • Lightens and removes ‘age spots’, ‘sun spots’ and brown blotches present on the neck, face and chest.

  • Laser rejuvenation controls flushing.

  • Improves pore size by temporarily reducing oiliness.

Skin rejuvenation treatments run for 3-5 sessions and the time gap between running sessions is generally 3 to 6 weeks. The benefits of this treatment can be achieved with minimal risk and little discomfort.

What is a fractional laser?

Fractional (or fractionated) lasers resurface and rejuvenate skin to treat fine lines and wrinkles, scars, hyperpigmentation, uneven tone, and textural issues. While a fully ablative laser removes the entire surface layer of skin in the treated area, fractional laser beams are broken up into smaller units, so they target between 25% and 40% of the skin’s surface, leaving the rest intact. The surrounding intact skin helps jump-start healing, stimulating the production of new collagen and the turnover of new cells. Because a majority of the skin is left undamaged, fractional lasers offer a quicker recovery, so patients can get back to work and other normal activities faster.

When will you see results of fractional laser and how long will they last?

You’ll see your final results 8–12 weeks after your procedure. Results can last up to three years, and you can extend them with an occasional lighter laser treatment such as IPL.

Skincare Treatments

What is a chemical peel?

A chemical peel uses an acidic solution applied to the skin to remove damaged top layers, speed cell turnover, and boost collagen growth for a brighter, more even-toned complexion. By creating a controlled injury at a specific depth, chemical peels stimulate new skin growth to improve skin texture and appearance.

Peels can effectively treat issues like acne, acne scars, age spots, melasma, hyperpigmentation, rough skin, sun damage, fine lines, and wrinkles. Though primarily for the face, they can be applied to the neck, chest, and hands as well.

What are the pros of chemical peels?

  • Ranging from superficial to deep, chemical peels can be customized to suit your skin type, specific concerns, and allowable downtime.

  • Peels are less costly than lasers that target the same conditions.

  • If you want to boost skin’s radiance fast, a light peel can create an immediate glow, with little to no downtime. 

What does a chemical peel do?

Generally speaking, chemical peels exfoliate the skin by dissolving the bonds between old skin cells, allowing them to shed. This makes way for fresh, new cells and helps thicken skin by encouraging healthy growth. 

The extent of chemical exfoliation depends on the type of acid used and its concentration, but chemical peels typically fall into three main categories: superficial, medium, and deep.

What is microdermabrasion?

A microdermabrasion treatment gently removes the top layer of dead and damaged skin cells and vacuums them away. It’s a well-tolerated skin rejuvenation procedure that can help even out pigment and discoloration; tackle sun damage; brighten dull skin; and diminish the appearance of mild acne, fine lines, and age spots. You’re left with brighter, more even-toned skin that has a smoother texture. It also improves the performance of your skin-care regimen by allowing products to penetrate the skin more easily.

What are the pros of microdermabrasion?

  • The treatment takes less than an hour, and downtime is minimal.

  • You’ll see results like smoother, brighter skin immediately. 

  • This is a noninvasive, safe procedure. You won’t need anesthesia or a numbing agent.

  • It’s safe for most skin colors and types. 

What should you expect after microdermabrasion?

It’s normal for skin to be dry and tight following a microdermabrasion procedure, and some people say their skin was flushed pink. These side effects should subside over the next day, with the use of a gentle cleanser and moisturizer. 

To get the maximum effect of the treatment, avoid anything that overheats your body—including showers, a sauna, steam rooms, and exercise—for the first 24 hours. 

What is dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a skin rejuvenation treatment that’s done in-office by a dermatologist or aesthetician, who uses a surgical scalpel to gently scrape away dead cells and vellus hair (aka peach fuzz) from your skin’s surface. Similar to shaving, it’s typically performed on the face—but because the doctor uses a scalpel rather than a razor, the sloughing goes deeper than you’re able to achieve at home. The benefits are similar to what you’d get with other in-office exfoliating treatments, such as microdermabrasion or a mild chemical peel:Brightening and evening skin toneCreating a smoother textureDiminishing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars.

What are the pros of dermaplaning?

  • Dermaplaning is relatively inexpensive for an in-office procedure. 

  • It’s quick and painless, with no downtime afterward.

  • Most patients see a difference in their skin immediately after a treatment and report that skin-care products are more readily absorbed.

  • It’s appropriate for most skin types, unless you have an active acne or rosacea flare-up.

  • Your makeup should go on more smoothly after your treatment. 

  • Dermaplaning may prevent breakouts, since removing the vellus hair can reduce the accumulation of acne-causing bacteria.